This is where the Action is, Cats.
Tonite we are graced witht the company of Kerouac, McKuen and Ginsberg.
Yep, Daddy-O, It's a night of Beatsville. We travel the path well trodden by Gillespie and Parker and look at the finest moments in the Jazz/Beat era. We also have some up to the day radio interviews that are, like' vintage - Man.
Be Cool, we'll check some groovy, tunes on the box. Ooh, Solid! No grease needed. It's free to air! And I ain't talking no Jive!, Man.
So tune in at 6 on the PM tonite to Rumble thru the Beatsville crates. Only on, like, Groove 107.7 - Home of the Beatsville Beatnik happening Scene, Babies! Don't be square now - Be there!
As ever, Straighten up and fly right, Cats!